Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lee Hom's album : Heart Beat 心。跳

Heart Beat
Is the sound I hear
Alone in my hotel room after a concert
Lying in bed after an argument on the phone
During an interview with those noisy reporters (don't get me started)
Smiling into the camera lens on a photo shoot
Sitting in front of a black TV screen
Standing on a rooftop looking out onto Taipei
When i close me eyes in front of a piano
When i plug in my guitar
While searching for that elusive sound which may turn out to be something
Or nothing at all...
All the love and gratitude in my heart goes out to:......
And finally,thanks to you, the listener for being part of this musical exchange.
I hope these songs help you hear your own heartbeat.
With Love, Peace and Music,
Leehom (Music-Man)

以上的图片是王力宏全新创作大碟--心。跳 Heart Beat 的封面。。。是不是觉得非常帅?我个人觉得是咯!!
昨天去了ikano power centre 的 popular cd rama 拿了这张专辑。是之前在冬至那天已经预购的,1月5号那天才在malaysia发行,等到 ‘颈都长了’,终于在昨天到手了。。。哈哈。。开心死了。。。因为是预购的,所以也拿到了赠品,就是 王力宏2009心跳写真年历 和 王力宏2008心跳事纪写真本。。。calendar和photobook里的照片都拍得非常漂亮,但我觉得设计有一点简单,不过还是很喜欢啦!!!专辑歌曲今天才开始听,我觉得里面的歌都不错听。。。非常喜欢他和张靓颖合唱的《另一个天堂》,不过有一些还蛮奇怪(说新鲜比较好),不过是王力宏的,我都可以接受。。。连之前出的单曲《摇滚怎么了!!》都可以慢慢地接受,越听越好听。。。哈哈。。。不过我发现一件事,他最近出的专辑很快就听完,这张专辑才39分钟30秒,40分钟不到,之前几张也是这样。。。哈哈。。(有一点偷工减料)哈哈。。。现在一直的重复再听着。。哈哈。。。接下来就是期待他快来这里办签唱会咯,我一定会去的,还有就是Music-Man演唱会快来到马来西亚,我也一定会去支持的。。哈哈。。今天写到这里,bye bye。还有,大家得空不妨去听听下王力宏的新专辑。


1)爱得 得体 (Dirty Love)
2)心跳 (Heartbeat)
3)春雨里洗过的太阳 (The Sun After Washed by Spring Rain)
5)我完全没有任何理由理你 (No Reason to Pay Attention to You)
6)另一个天堂 (Another Heaven)
7)玩偶 (Puppet)
8)脚本 (Screenplay)
9)可敬的对手 (Competitor)
10)摇滚怎么了!! (What's Wrong With Rock!!)


  1. 我刚刚听了两遍,是一面看歌词一面听的,一些歌的歌词是真的奇怪,还有几句福建话跑出来。我最‘喜欢春雨里洗过的太阳’。

  2. 是咯!!哈哈!!春雨里洗过的太阳我也喜欢。。里面的抒情歌我都喜欢。。继续听多几遍吧。。要听到滚瓜烂熟哦!!

  3. wow...two leehom superfans...
    i tell u...
    i seldom listen jj tis new album oso =.=
    still dunno sum song's name tim...
    but i'll go try try listen la...
    i'll prefer to listen the duet wif zhang liang ying...hehe

  4. haha...i oso seldom listen to jj album....
    cos now listening to lee hom album ma...hehe...
    go n listen lee hom la....i thnk tis album is better than laz year d....
    i like the duet very very much..haha...
    its really very very nice lol....hehe...

  5. but i think leehom's previous album is better oh, some songs in this album make me kinda disappointed.

  6. haha...i like tis album la....i thnk some songs quite interesting although d styles abit weird....haha
